В этом плане мне нравится ответ madlymel:
You know, on the surface this seems like a fair argument.
But … it still somehow COMPLETELY misses the point. Like turns around and fires in the opposite direction in hopes that the arrow will circumnavigate the earth and hit if from the other side misses the point.
Emma was the one wronged. Not Neal.
Emma was the one hurt. Not Neal.
Emma was the one who’s choices were taken from her, supposedly for her own good, by two men who didn’t have the right to make that decision for her. Not Neal.
Oh, yes, poor Neal, who chose to make the “hard sacrifice” of — not just leaving his girlfriend behind, oh, no — but to ensure that she couldn’t follow him, sent her to jail for a crime he committed while, poor Neal, remained free.
Yeah, he sent her a car (that he stole) with a legit VIN number (that he also probably stole) and he intended to give her a bunch of money (from the watches that he stole, that she went to jail for) (except some other jerk douchebag decided that a broke 18 year old girl would have no need of $20,000 in her pocket when she got out of prison and helpfully went and spent it all for her).
That was a real tough sacrifice Neal made, avoiding Emma for 11 years, even though apparently August kept him updated on where she was. Even though the first place Emma went after prison was Tallahassee, probably hoping she’d find Neal.
I cry for him. Really. I weep. Giving up all those years in prison himself, and those things he worked so hard to steal, and having to live free and date whoever he wanted for all those years, all for the sake of loving a woman who he could have gone to at any moment. That’s … man, that’s tough. Really. (лучший абзац)
So now it’s on Emma, clearly. It’s EMMA’s responsibility to … what? Forgive him for it? Not only does Neal supposedly (at least according to the above scenario) have to give up the girl, he has to now play the damsel in the tower, waiting for his true love to come find him and forgive him or praise him for being so damn noble in the first place. Now he sits around and waits, because if she wants her damned apology so much she better PROVE IT by hunting his ass down and asking for it.
So, okay, she does hunt his ass down. And then when he finds out she led his father to him, he yells at her some. And then is a colossal jerk about all of it. Oh, and doesn’t ACTUALLY apologize for any of the things he did, because after all, he was the one who made the big sacrifices. Why should he apologize for that?
Oh, and on top of that he finds out just how damned bloody noble he really was, because surprise, he’s got a son, and how DARE Emma not inform him of this fact immediately even though she had no idea where he was for the last 11 years (unlike him) and even though she thought he’d left her because he was a CON MAN who set her up to be his fall girl?
No, he’s absolutely justified in his anger at not being told. Absolutely justified in not apologizing. Absolutely justified for what he did in the first place.
Because Neal, poor misunderstood Neal, is just such a noble guy at heart.
Why can’t Emma see that?
ffs seriously
Не ненавижу Нила, но когда дело касается Эммы он козлина с какой стороны не посмотри, хочется порвать его на тряпки. Пусть с папиком своим мирится, отличный сюжет. А Эмма уже достаточно от него набралась и настрадалась.