На МерМорном темблере задали 4 вопроса, не поленилась и скопировала все ответы, довольно интересно)))
1) Did you ship Merlin/Morgana before s3? // ты был(а) за эту пару до 3 сезона?
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- Very much so.
-Since the Mordred episode
-1.08 sealed the deal for me!
- since 2.12
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- since the pilot!
- Yes
- Yes but not until 2x12. The twisted aspect attracted me.
- Yes ever since the first episode
- I ship them from the first episode.
- Yes, since 2.03, but I also liked them in the first season.
2) Did the events in 2.12 make you ship it more or less? // События 2х12 заставили тебя любить их меньше или больше?
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- More
- YES.
- MORE. Oh, so much more.
- она с этого начала их шипперить
- I started here
- More
- Same
- Yes, even more
- more, i think. they’re so tragic.
- More
- See 1
- more
3) Would you ever like to see Merlin/Morgana actually become canon? // Тебе бы хотелось что МерМор стал каноном?
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- Hell yes..
- It wouldn’t make much sense, but sure!
- It’s pretty damn canon to me.
- O (какой замечательный ответ хД)
- Yes
- Yes plz. Light/dark, & all that.
- Yes
- yes, but i don’t think that’s going to happen really.
- shoosh yeah
- Yes, but I don’t see it happening.
- its pretty canon to me
- for me they’re more canon now then ever.
3a) or is it pretty damn canon to you right now, actually. // или для тебя это уже канон
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- It’s myth!canon to me but not really show canon yet
- I think they could always help.
- It’s pretty damn canon to me.
- 3.05 trailer gave me hope.
- Starting to become pretty canon
- It’s pretty damn canon already.
- the eyesex is canon for sure.
- haha. in a way.
- I think it’s canon in the way that now their destinies are together.4) Are you happy with the way Merlin/Morgana has been treated in s3 thus far? // тебя радует взаимоотношения Мерлин и Морганы в 3 сезоне?
читать дальше-Sure, but I wish Morgana was more conflicted
- Not really.Kinda on and off
- So far, yes. Def excited for ep 5 though!!!
- X: Merlin should be more active(?!)
- Yes
- Kind of. Morgana has been lacking screen time.
- not at all, I want more development but I’ll take what I can get.
- yep. see: 3a
- yes
- Some ways yes, others no.
- pretty much, what the dragon said gives me hope
- yes! I hope to see more of them!
Отдельные ответы:
I belong fan to this pair from the first episode. I loved your relationship love and hate . They are the balance of the magic world.
It was my post so obv I shipped it before-I just think it’s sad b/c we might have influenced the writers pre-s3 if a ton wanted to see it.
I shipped M&M WAY before S3. I started loving them from episode 1 when he ogled her.Вообще удивительно что кто-то полюбил их как пару когда он ее отравил. Это как-то странно, наверное я чего-то не понимаю. Второе удивление, это то что довольно многим нравится что происходит сейчас между ними. Не я понимаю eye!sex, и ненависть довольно страстное чувство, но лично мне отчаянно не хватает обоснуя. Так сильно что я практически их писать пока не могу((((